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  • Writer's pictureOsama Mohammed

AI Won't Remplace Humans, and If it Does, That's Even Better !

Today I will talk about artificial intelligence, and what I mean here specifically is Generative Artificial Intelligence. I give my opinion as a normal person according to my personal perception and own judgement, and not based on any scientific knowledge or research. I see that saying that artificial intelligence will eliminate jobs and replace humans is illogical. Firstly, because I always see technology as a tool to empower and support people and human life, and secondly, because I see while technology eliminates jobs, it creates others. Additionally, I see that this saying is contrary to the laws and nature of life which is the existence of problems that in turn create jobs. And if companies will replace humans with artificial intelligence, then in return we will replace companies as people in homes (customers and clients) with artificial intelligence to provide us with the needed products and services !. And if jobs are taken by artificial intelligence, then how companies would make money and who would buy from them?. Thus, on the contrary, if we assume that artificial intelligence solves problems instead of humans, then this is a positive thing in itself, as it will solve human problems and life problems, and we won’t need to work anymore! We sit in our homes and relax, and artificial intelligence works for us and provides us with food, drink, medicine, and treatment. Yes. This is what it means to eliminate jobs and replace people, as they say. But will this really happen? I don't think so, life is not that simple and perfect. If human beings do not agree with each other and the interaction between them creates problems that need work and solutions to solve them, then the same thing is in the interaction between the artificial intelligence solutions themselves, and between artificial intelligence and humans. What I expect to happen are new problems that arise when applying artificial intelligence in our lives and in our interactions. Hence new posts to work on solutions to these problems. In this context, perhaps a more important question is the question of the ownership of artificial intelligence. Who will have artificial intelligence, and is it easy to have our own artificial intelligence? And what would happen if the possession of artificial intelligence is in the hands of specific people?

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